This page contains a few examples of Powell & Associates Science Services work, including two U.S. EPA reports where PASS scientists were the lead authors. Each can be downloaded by clicking on its figure.
The two reports below were developed by PASS for USEPA to address (1) permeable reactive barrier technology (PRB) and (2) the cost of using PRBs to remediate contaminated ground water, sometimes with a pump-and-treat technology comparison.
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These next two reports illustrate the power of exploratory data analysis (EDA) and their use by PASS in developing an understanding of a lake sediment environment and the next actions needed by a PASS client. An EDA of lake sediment data is done (3) followed by a pollution inventory coupled with EDA and an action plan (4).
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The presentation below was given by PASS's Robert M. Powell as one of the keynote addresses at the 3rd Symposium on the Hydrogeology of Washington State. It addresses the hydrogeology (and much more) at Los Alamos. Warning: This is a large (26 MB) PDF file.
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The arsenic speciation PDF below was developed by PASS's Robert M. Powell as a component of a U.S. EPA deliverable on "The Natural Attenuation of Arsenic."
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